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How are the hazel eye color and amber eye color different?

The standard colors of beautiful eye color are hazel and amber.

If you want to have amber eyes or hazel eyes that are the most natural and gorgeous eyes, use colored contact lens.


What is a hazel eye color?

Hazel is a beautiful mixture of brown and green and this eye color looks breath-takingly good. Elegant is the first word that is associated with people with hazel eyes.


Hazel eye color is a beautiful eye color that has a color of light brown and green properly mixed.
55% of world’s population has brown eyes, so hazel color eyes are very rare.
There are many different kinds of hazel eyes such as ones that have more brown color, and ones that have more green color. Also, even when man and woman have same hazel eyes, the color proportion is a bit different.


Male with Hazel Eye Color


Female with Hazel Eyes

Nicole Richie, Jennifer Garner, and Justin Beiber are the celebrities that have amber eyes which are a bit more sweeter felt colored eyes than hazel eyes.


Nicole richie’s eye

Amber color eyes are very good on dark skinned people. It is a rather strange and sweet eye color, so many people love this eye color.


“Nicole Richie’s beautiful eyes!”

Amber eyes have very strong gold and bronze colors. It is a very rare eye color and this color eyes are also known as the ‘wolves’ eyes’.
Nicole Richie’s beautiful amber eyes are very gorgeous that it is used as the standard example of brown eye makeup.

Is it possible to change eye color?

Many people are curious if eye color can be changed. The answer is yes and no.


Even though people wish to have hazel eyes, it is not possible and dangerous to put on eyes to change your eyes darker, brighter, natural, and more blueish permanently.
So, people chose another way, wearing hazel colored contact lens, to accomplish this.

Then, what should be done to have hazel eyes with safer and easier method?

As we mentioned above, the only safest and easiest way of changing eye color is wearing colored contact lens.
Of course there is a surgery that permanently change your eye color, but it has not been that long since this surgery was practiced, so we do not know the side effects and it is a very dangerous to do something to your eyes in any ways. You will not be able to have your original eyes back ever.

It is the best for you to wear colored contact lens depending on your fashion and mood of the day, and make sure to follow the instructions and cautions that are notified to you.

Using online shopping mall where you can see all kinds of hazel colored contacts and the before and after pictures of contacts worn on models would be a good idea.

Hazel contacts are now on the opening sale with 50% discount. There are so many different kinds of hazel colored contacts with various designs and colors in Hushcolor.

Hazel contacts online shop

How it feels pure hazel colored contacts on dark brown eyes?

High transparent pure hazel colored contact lens will change any eye color to natural hazel color eyes.

For your information, this is the online shopping mall that sells the most kinds of 15mm amber colored contact lens.
Especially there are colored contact lens with over 15mm diameter, so people who wish to get expansion effects will be very much satisfied in this colored contact lens online shopping mall.

For your information, this is the online shopping mall that sells the most kinds of 15mm amber colored contact lens. Especially there are colored contact lens with over 15mm diameter, so people who wish to get expansion effects will be very much satisfied in this colored contact lens online shopping mall.


15mm diameter amber colored contact lens with an expanding effect.


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